
Change my Sender ID as a name e.g. “RapidSMS”.

Sender ID masking is useful for organisation name branding. However, in some countries, Sender ID masking may require special registration with the mobile carriers before it can be used.

Please request or check with your administrator how has the SenderID feature been set up for your organisation.


If you are the admin, you can edit the Sender ID feature under the Manage Application Settings:

  1. It is either set to Restrict or Database
  2. For "Restrict", you will key in the sender ID into the "DefaultSenderID" setting.
    1. You can add additional Sender ID by separating it with a semi-colon ";"
  3. For "Database", it will look up the values set in the individual users' Profile under the Mobile and Sender ID fields.
    1. The user can edit the Profile and set the desired Sender ID.
    2. Sender ID has restriction of not more than 11 alphanumeric characters
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