
How do I send my first Push Message via RapidSMS App?

Before sending your first Push Message via RapidSMS App, please ensure the following are done:

1. Sign up for a free RapidSMS 14-days trial account or have an existing account with us.

2. Install our RapidSMS App, launch it and follow the steps to verify your number.

Download RapidSMS App from the App Store

3. Login to your RapidSMS Portal 

4 steps to sending your first Push Message to RapidSMS App:

1. Click Broadcast SMS. (If you have a long list of contacts in excel, click Batch SMS.)

2. Enter your mobile phone number into the Ad Hoc textfield. Enter your country code together with your mobile number and click Next.


3. Enter your message. Take note of the numbers of character left, in this case there are 109 characters left before 2 SMS credit are used for your message. Every SMS can only have 160 characters.


4. Select Use Push and click Send.

RapidSMS Push Message

Check your phone or Apple iWatch for your first Push Message via RapidSMS.

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