
How to address the Clickjacking Vulnerability?

Follow below steps to address the vulnerability:

  1. Login to EasiShare Server (where WEB or CAWEB portals are hosted).
  2. Go to IIS > Expand Sites > Expand "Default Web Site" > Select CAWEB Portal.
  3. Right Panel > Double Click on " HTTP Response Headers ".

  4. Click "ADD" from the right panel.
    Enter response header "Name" = X-Frame-Options
    Enter "Value" = SAMEORIGIN

  5. Click "OK".

  6. Select WEB Portal > Right Panel > Double Click on " HTTP Response Headers ".
  7. Repeat step 4 and 5 for WEB portal.


Steps to verify:

1. Launch Internet Explorer (IE) and go to  WEB or CAWEB portal website

2. Press F12 (from Keyboard) and for Developer Tools

3. Go to Network tab -> Details

4. Click on Response Headers and search for X-Frame-Options





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