
How do I modify the expiry date for the file(s)/folder(s) I want to share?

If you have set an expiry date to the files/folders shared, your recipient will not be able to access the download page when it has expired.

You can extend the sharing period by modifying the expiry date for the shared files/folders.

Modify the expiry date for the shared file(s)/folder(s):

Web Platform

First Method

  1. Go to Shared Out folder under Drive Section, Shared folder (on the left hand-side of the screen)
  2. Select the file(s)/folder(s) that wants to be shared by right-click and select "Edit Share" or click on the "Edit Share" icon on the menu bar
  3. When the "Edit Share" form pops up, go to field: Link Expires and modify the expiry date

Second Method

  1. Go to the respective shared files/folders
  2. Select the file(s)/folder(s) that wants to be shared by right-click and select "Edit Share" or click on the "Edit Share" icon on the menu bar
  3. When the "Edit Share" form pops up, go to field: Link Expires and modify the expiry date
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