
ES Desktop refresh tasks timers


Note for-

Sync Interval:

  1. Sync Interval timing depends on what user puts in on ES Desktop settings (option: 1min -30min).


Refresh Task 3:

  1. For EasiShare version 9.0.3 and above:
    At each Sync Interval, ES Desktop will check for Task 3's last run date. If Task 3 was last run TODAY, then Task 3's next run, will be the next day OR when ES Desktop is re-launched.

    • Example: User has left ES Desktop running when he leaves office at 06:00pm (19th April) and has the Sync Interval set to 30 minutes. At 12:30am (20th April), Task 3 will run. Task 3 will not run anymore for the rest of the day. Unless, user restarts the computer or stops and re-launches ES Desktop at anytime during the day (e.g. 02:00pm on 20th April), then Task 3 will run again.

  2. For the older versions of EasiShare (before v9.0.3):
    At each Launch and Sync Interval, ES Desktop will check for Task 3's last run date. If Task 3 was last run TODAY, then the Task's next run, will be the next day.
    • Example: if user starts the computer at 08:00am (19th April) in the morning and launch ES Desktop, Task 3 will run. At 08:30am (19th April) and every 30 minutes, Sync Interval (which is set to 30 minutes) checks and detects that the last run for Task 3 was at 08:00am (19th April), as such Task 3 will not run anymore for the rest of the day. No matter whether user restarts computer or re-launch ES Desktop during the rest of the day (19th April).


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